Trineus is a Chilean company developing products and solutions based on Web technologies.
Our purpose is to ensure the successful implementation of web systems that transform the competitive environment of our customers.

Our vision is to establish our position as an innovation leader in Web technologies and Software as a Service provider. We want to be part of a new trend in business operations, in its value chain and how to work through collaboration tools to facilitate distributed work teams and communication with the community through the web.

Based on a business model of Software as a Service (SaaS), we focus on providing products and solutions that allow users to look into business processes by roles, letting internal and external users to work on collaborative workflows.

We help companies assimilate and implement new technology to transform team work, integrate suppliers in the workflow and facilitate communication with customers.


All Trineus products and solutions seek the same objectives: to facilitate processes to users, to enable the e-workflow and to boost real-time collaborative work teams.

Our corporate values are:
• Innovation as a competitive strategy: We foster technology adoption and service innovation practices.
• Customer focus: We seek long term business relationships based on service quality.
• Teamwork: We complement and enhance diversity, initiatives, knowledge and individual talent.

Trineus is a member of the boards of companies providing Information Technology Services Fundation Chile and CORFO (Invest Chile).

Copyright © 2009 Trineus S.A.Some rights reserved